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    Chasseur d'appartement Paris 10

    Apartment Hunter Paris 10

    The 10th arrondissement of Paris

    Are you considering purchasing an apartment in Paris’ 10th arrondissement?


    Do you need information before buying your future apartment in the 10th arrondissement? Quality of life, housing distribution, your hunter’s opinion, history…


    In this guide, we offer you everything you need to know about your real estate search in this arrondissement.

    Icône de chasseur

    Our expert insight on the 10th arrondissement of Paris

    • The 10th arrondissement of Paris is trendy and Bobo, but also has a number of working-class arrondissements.
    • It’s a booming area, with many new businesses opening up in recent years.
    • It has excellent transport links and many attractions for going out at night, making it the most popular arrondissement for young people moving to Paris.
    • With relatively reasonable prices per square meter for its central location, investors have made it their favorite hunting ground.
    Icône d'ampoule

    Prices have risen sharply over the past decade since the renovation of Place de la République. Your Paris region property hunter recommends the Hôpital Saint Louis and Saint-Vincent-de-Paul areas.

    Chasseur Immobilier Paris 10
    Icône information générale

    Essential information to know before buying in the 10th arrondissements

    The 10th arrondissement bridges the gap between the very upmarket first arrondissements of Paris and the more popular ‘peripheral’ arrondissements. It shares this characteristic with the 11th arrondissement. The area can be divided into 2 north-south zones. The first is to the south, bordering the 3rd arrondissement, which is popular with young executives and perfectly illustrates the ‘Bourgeois-Bohemian’ spirit. The Canal Saint-Martin is a very lively place, especially on summer evenings, a place to meet up and chat with friends. There are many trendy shops (organic), not to mention the theaters and concert halls around Saint-Martin.

    To the north and east, this is a historically more popular area. The proximity of the 2 train stations and the associated nuisance hinders the development of this arrondissement, although this seems to have changed in recent years. Several foreign communities have settled here: Turks around rue du Faubourg-Saint-Denis, Indians and Pakistanis around the Passage Brady and La Chapelle metro station, and the Chinese community in the Belleville arrondissement. The arrondissement is also extremely accessible, with a large number of metro stations, 2 transport hubs (Nord and République), 2 railway stations, major roads for car traffic, cycle paths, etc.


    91 750 residents


    €25 750 of median income, 15% below the Paris average


    65% are under 45, the highest rate in Paris


    61% have been here for 9 years or less, the highest turnover rate after the 2nd arrondissement.

    What are the different neighborhoods in Paris 10 ?

    • Saint-Vincent-de-Paul
      Marked by the presence of the Gare du Nord and Gare de l'Est stations, as well as the Lariboisière hospital, this is a dynamic and popular arrondissement in the area between the two stations. The area around Saint-Vincent-de-Paul church is quite sought-after, with its narrow streets and ‘village’ feel. Near the Gare du Nord station, there are some emblematic buildings from the Haussmann era.
    • Porte Saint-Denis
      Built in 1672 to glorify Louis XIV, the triumphal arch at Porte Saint-Denis was inspired by the Arch of Titus in Rome. This area has lost many of its inhabitants in recent decades to offices and commercial premises, making it difficult to find a flat to live in.
    • Porte Saint-Martin
      This is the most sought-after arrondissement in the arrondissement. Fans of lively evenings are well catered for, with the bustle of the Canal Saint-Martin, a wide range of theaters and shows, not to mention the many trendy restaurants and bars. It's a great place to stroll during the day along the canal or in the passages around Saint-Martin.
    • Hôpital Saint-Louis
      The most densely populated arrondissement in the arrondissement, this area is popular with families for its peace and quiet and its green spaces: the Villemin garden, the Square Amadou-Hampâté-Bâ, the Square Eugène-Varlin and the Square Juliette-Dodu. This is an area undergoing major change, with the arrival of a host of local shops. To the south is the famous Palais des Glaces.
    Plan 10ème arrondissement

    Key statistics about this district


    are homeowners


    are under 45 years old


    have lived here for nine years or less


    are families

    Construction Period

    Number of Rooms

    • Studio
    • 2 rooms
    • 3 rooms
    • 4 rooms
    • 5 rooms and more
    * Source INSEE

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      Icône livre et plume

      A brief History

      A marshy area, the Romans decided to build 2 main roads leading out of Lutetia. In the 6th century, the marshes were drained and cultivated, and religious institutions developed. In the 11th century, the kings of France set up a structure for executions outside the walls on the Montfaucon mound (now the Place du Colonel Fabien): the patibular forks. Following numerous epidemics in the second half of the 16th century, Henri IV decided to build the Hôpital Saint-Louis, which was to be used to quarantine contagious patients during epidemics.

      The 10th arrondissement really took off in the 18th century with the construction of the Grand Boulevards. Numerous theaters were built around the Porte Saint-Martin, a tradition that continues to this day. As Paris grew, Napoleon Bonaparte decided to canalize the Ourcq to remedy the poor drinking water supply for Parisians. The second half of the 19th century saw the launch of a major urban development project, with the creation of 2 railway stations (Gare de Strasbourg, which later became Gare de l’Est and Gare de Nord) and the construction of the Lariboisière hospital, close to the 9th arrondissement.

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