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    Chasseur d'appartement Paris 7

    Apartment Hunter Paris 7

    The 7th arrondissement of Paris

    Are you considering purchasing an apartment in Paris’ 7th arrondissement?


    Need some insight before diving in? Quality of life, neighborhood specifics, housing distribution, and guidance from your apartment hunter…


    This guide provides everything you need to know about this area.

    Icône de chasseur

    Our expert insight on the 7th arrondissement of Paris

    • Paris’s 7th arrondissement has a peaceful atmosphere and a central location.
    • Numerous private mansions and Haussmann-style buildings, as well as renowned colleges and lycées, attract a wealthy population.
    • But you’ll have to learn to live with the mass tourism around the Eiffel Tower and Le Bon Marché.
    • The center of the arrondissement lacks shops, and the west lacks transportation. The cultural offer is a real asset for this area, which is much sought-after by Parisians.
    Icône d'ampoule

    This is the second most expensive arrondissement in the capital. Your Paris real estate expert recommends the area around the Ecole Militaire, where prices are a little more reasonable.

    Chasseur Immobilier Paris 7
    Icône information générale

    Essential information to know before buying in the 7th arrondissements

    Between the highly “institutional” Invalides arrondissement, with its many ministries and embassies, and the Gros Caillou arrondissement with its many local shops, this arrondissement, with its diversity of habitats, boasts some of the finest townhouses and buildings in Paris. It is also the most affluent arrondissement in Paris.

    On the edge of the 15th arrondissement, the Champ-de-Mars offers a green space much appreciated by local residents. The Ecole Militaire arrondissement, with its wide, quiet arteries, offsets the hustle and bustle of rue Saint Dominique and its surrounding narrow streets. Many cultural establishments enliven this area: museums (including the famous Musée d’Orsay, bordering the south of Paris’s 1st arrondissement), libraries and live performances. Public transport services are coherent in the east for a central arrondissement, but more disparate in the west.


    52 500 residents


     €42 500 of median income, the highest of Paris


    54% are under 45, the lowest rate in Paris along with the 16th arrondissement


    21% 5P and over, the highest percentage after the 8th arrondissement

    What are the different neighborhoods in Paris 7 ?

    • Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin
      This is the most densely populated area of the arrondissement. Bordering the 6th arrondissement, it's the most sought-after, with its famous stores (Le Bon Marché) and high-quality Haussmann-style buildings around Boulevard Saint-Germain. It is also very well served by Parisian transport.
    • Invalides
      The “ministries” arrondissement, it takes its name from the famous Hôtel des Invalides. With one of the lowest population densities in Paris, it abounds in private gardens and other green spaces. Few shops, except near the Pont Alexandre III.
    • Ecole Militaire
      Around the Avenue de Breteuil, you'll find magnificent Haussmann buildings opening onto wide arteries in the calm of the Parisian hustle and bustle. Sadly lacking in local shops, it's a place where you're looking for a gentle pace of life and a slower pace of life.
    • Gros Caillou
      Known for its busy shopping street, rue Saint-Dominique, this area also benefits from its proximity to the Champ-de-Mars, which provides residents with a green space to gather with family and friends. On the other hand, the area is poorly served by public transport.
    Plan de paris 7ème arrondissement

    Key statistics about this district


    are homeowners


    are under 45 years old


    have lived here for nine years or less


    are families

    Construction Period

    Number of Rooms

    • Studio
    • 2 rooms
    • 3 rooms
    • 4 rooms
    • 5 rooms and more
    * Source INSEE

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      Icône livre et plume

      A brief History

      From the 18th century onwards, the area became increasingly residential, before being incorporated into the Fermiers Généraux estate. Numerous renowned monuments shed light on its development. The first of these is the “Hôtel des Invalides”, whose construction was ordered by Louis XIV in 1670 to provide invalid soldiers with a place where they could receive help and assistance. In addition to a church, the Hôtel included a factory (uniform), a hospice, and a hospital. The capture of Les Invalides by the people in 1789, with its 32,000 rifles and 27 cannons, was used to capture the Bastille. The Hôtel was later rehabilitated by Napoleon Bonaparte.

      Numerous private mansions housed the Republic’s major ministries. Among them, in the 6th arrondissement, the Hôtel de Matignon at 57 rue de Varenne was built in 1722. Following the Second World War, it became a place of power, and remains the official residence of the head of government under the Fifth Republic. Finally, the Paris World Fairs of the 19th century bequeathed the arrondissement with a substantial heritage. First and foremost, the Eiffel Tower became the emblematic building of France abroad. Numerous bridges were also inaugurated on these occasions (Iéna, Alma, Invalides…), including the Pont Alexandre III, designed to symbolize Franco-Russian friendship in 1900.

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